Accelerate with Continuous Planning and Reporting in 2022

Now more than ever, changes are occurring at a rapid pace. To keep up with the change—much less stay in front of it—the office of the CFO must deal with many demands across the organization.

Impacts from COVID-19, cash constraints and M&A activity and properly setting financial expectations are just a few of the new pressures.

This webinar with Satori FP&A and Workiva will focus on how a continuous planning and financial reporting automation capability can deliver a more nimble, insightful and accurate forecast, thus freeing up time for teams to focus on strategic and value-added initiatives.

After this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Apply new ideas to evolve age-old processes into a continuous planning and reporting function for the entire company
  • Identify where to start in your organization regardless of the heritage and culture for having a more nimble approach
  • Leverage technology to enable change and enhance capabilities for this new world

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